“The Art of the Brick,” an internationally renowned exhibition celebrated for its innovative use of LEGO bricks as an artistic medium, has officially opened its doors to the public at the Olympia Theater in Miami. Curated by Nathan Sawaya, the exhibition showcases a collection of artworks that have garnered acclaim for transforming the beloved construction toys into intricate artistic sculptures.
Commencing on January 27th of this year, the exhibition in Miami is open-ended with no specific end date provided. Opening hours vary throughout the week, providing visitors with the flexibility to attend at their convenience. The estimated duration of the visit is approximately 60 minutes.
Featuring over 150 creations utilizing millions of LEGO pieces, the exhibit includes interpretations of famous artworks, life-sized human figures, and animal sculptures. A highlight of the exhibition is an impressive 20-foot tall reproduction of a Tyrannosaurus rex, coexisting alongside recreations of masterpieces like Vincent Van Gogh’s “Starry Night” and Leonardo Da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa.”
In addition to recreating renowned works of art, Sawaya collaborated with photographer Dean West on an innovative series of multimedia photographs using LEGO. One standout piece, “Yellow,” depicting a man with an open chest from which a cascade of yellow bricks emerges, has gained widespread acclaim.
Having toured major cities before arriving in Miami, “The Art of the Brick” earned a spot on CNN’s list of “Must-See Exhibitions,” garnering attention and praise from art critics.
Tickets for the Miami exhibition are available in standard and VIP categories, with VIP offering skip-the-line access and a commemorative poster. Ticket flexibility allows visitors to attend at any time on the selected day. For a more personalized experience, customized packages and private sessions are also available.
The experience is open to all ages, with free admission for children under four. The 1926 Olympia Theater, known for its Mediterranean-style architecture, is ADA accessible.
With an estimated duration of 60 minutes, tickets can be purchased directly through the official event website, where FAQs and additional details are also available.
This exhibition brings a unique artistic experience to Miami, blending childhood nostalgia with contemporary artistic expression, providing a special opportunity to appreciate the versatility of LEGO bricks beyond traditional play and construction.
Buy your tickets here: https://theartofthebrickexpo.com/en/